Friday, June 20, 2008

DLF 74A Commercial Retail & Office Space

Name DLF does not require any introduction in Indian Real estate market. It is an established and a known name with strongest foothold in Capital of India "DELHI".

Best Localities, Commercial Hubs, Townships developed by the group in Delhi & Delhi NCR carries maximum premium. Investors pick their property options without any element of fear. All investors both short and small have gained substantial returns on their investments almost close to 60%. Appreciation gained by them vis-a-vis their investments in long run has given returns close to 600% within 5 years.

DLF is constructing a commercial Hub with fetures of Retail space at Ground Floor and office spaces above Ground floor onwards unto 21st
Floor. The hub will have service appts. too alongwith IT spaces.

Keeping in view the no. of Multistoried towers to be booked & constructed the escalation/ revision of prices in booking itself and natural appreciation because of this element will yield substantial and unmatched profits vis-a-vis investment blocked in this project.

Booking of minimum space (Office) of 1210 sft. with booking amount of Rs 8,50,000/- can be done through M/s "Reuben Estate Consultants Pvt. Ltd." by releasing cheques in favour of the company.

On clearing next installment within 60 days of 15% i.e., Rs 12,75,000/- property will be transferred in the name of individual/ agency/ business house.

Guarnteed profit margin of 30% against investment of 21,25,000/- will be felt within period of 4 months. It is our sincere advice that this particular project is the best commercial property option as on date for safe & sound investment.